Prana vayu man Performing Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

Throat Chakra Pranayama – A Tantric Breathwork Exercise for Vishuddi Energy Cente

Step into the realm of Himalayan tantric tradition with this empowering 5-minute Throat Chakra Pranayama practice for healing and opening Vishuddhi Step into the sacred realm of Himalayan tantric tradition with this empowering 5-minute Throat Chakra Pranayama practice for Vishuddhi. Immerse yourself in the transformative energy of this ancient technique, designed to harmonize and invigorate…

Kundalini Kriya for Vishuddi Chakra – A Traditional Yoga Practice for the Throat Chakra

Kundalini Kriya for Vishuddi Chakra – A Traditional Yoga Practice for the Throat Chakra

Vishuddi or Vishudda – The Throat Chakra Vishuddi chakra, also known as the throat chakra (and often spelled “vishuddi”), is one of the seven chakras in the body, according to ancient Hindu and Buddhist texts. It is located in the throat region and is associated with the color blue. The Vishuddi chakra is believed to…