
Supine Abdominal Breathing for Sleep

Diaphragmatic breathing for better sleep with a guided Shavasana practice. Relax your body, calm your mind, and deepen your breath for restful nights. Here you’ll learn the practice of Shavasana (Corpse Pose) and Supine Abdominal Breathing to help you relax your body, calm your mind, and deepen your breathing. Shavasana is a restorative yoga pose…


DIY Ayurvedic Soap Recipe – How to Make Ayurvedic Soap at Home

Ayurveda is an ancient medicine system deeply rooted in Indian history. What are the effects of Ayurvedic herbs on the skin + how to Make Ayurvedic Soap at Home Ayurveda is an ancient alternative medicine system deeply rooted in Indian history. The ancient knowledge of medicinal herbs is present in our modern daily life too….